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Sysquake Pro – Table of Contents
Sysquake for LaTeX – Table of Contents
SQ Files
This chapter describes the SQ files provided with Sysquake.
- approx.sq
- Polynomial approximation.
- demogr.sq
- Demographic evolution.
- potential.sq
- Voltage field caused by electrostatic charges.
- gravity.sq
- Chaotic trajectory of an asteroid.
Automatic Control
- PID_ct.sq
- Continuous-time PID controller.
- PID_dt.sq
- Discrete-time PID controller
- RST_ct.sq
- Continuous-time two-degrees-of-freedom linear controller.
- RST_dt.sq
- Discrete-time two-degrees-of-freedom linear controller.
- LQR_ct.sq
- Continuous-time two-degrees-of-freedom linear-quadratic regulator.
- ARW.sq
- Effect of saturation and antireset windup in a closed-loop system.
- relay.sq
- Relay controller.
- GPC.sq
- Design of a linear Generalized Predictive Controller.
- IUPP.sq
- Interactive pole placement for a system with ellipsoidal uncertainties.
Signal Processing
- sampling.sq
- Effect of sampling a signal with different conversion methods.
- filter.sq
- Design of analog and digital filters.
- convolution.sq
- Convolution and correlation of signals.
- id_p.sq
- Parametric identification.
- id_np.sq
- Non-parametric identification.
- image.sq
- Simple image processing.
- MPT.sq
- Modern Portfolio Theory.
- salesman.sq
- Minimization of the travel of a salesman.
- waves.sq
- Interferences of waves in the plane.
- minesweeper.sq
- Simple game.