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Sysquake Pro – Table of Contents

Sysquake – Table of Contents

Sysquake for LaTeX – Table of Contents


Variable assignment

Assignment to a variable or to some elements of a matrix variable.


var = expr
(var1, var2, ...) = function(...)


var = expr assigns the result of the expression expr to the variable var. When the expression is a naked function call, (var1,var2,...) = function(...) assigns the value of the output arguments of the function to the different variables. Usually, providing less variables than the function can provide just discards the superfluous output arguments; however, the function can also choose to perform in a different way (an example of such a function is size, which returns the number of rows and the number of columns of a matrix either as two numbers if there are two output arguments, or as a 1-by-2 vector if there is a single output argument). Providing more variables than what the function can provide is an error.

Variables can store any kind of contents dynamically: the size and type can change from assignment to assignment.

A subpart of a matrix variable can be replaced with the use of parenthesis. In this case, the size of the variable is expanded when required; padding elements are 0 for numeric arrays and empty arrays [] for cell arrays and lists.

See also

Operator (), operator {}, clear, exist, for, subsasgn


First index of an array.


function e = C::beginning(obj, i, n)


In an expression used as an index to access some elements of an array, beginning gives the index of the first element (line or column, depending of the context). It is always 1 for native arrays.

beginning can be overloaded for objects of used-defined classes. Its definition should be have a header equivalent to function e=C::beginning(obj,i,n), where C is the name of the class, obj is the object to be indexed, i is the position of the index expression where beginning is used, and n is the total number of index expressions.

See also

Operator (), operator {}, beginning, end, matrixcol, matrixrow


Last index of an array.


function e = C::end(obj, i, n)


In an expression used as an index to access some elements of an array, end gives the index of the last element (line or column, depending of the context).

end can be overloaded for objects of used-defined classes. Its definition should be have a header equivalent to function e=C::end(obj,i,n), where C is the name of the class, obj is the object to be indexed, i is the position of the index expression where end is used, n is the total number of index expressions.


Last 2 elements of a vector:

a = 1:5; a(end-1:end)
    4 5

Assignment to the last element of a vector:

a(end) = 99
  a =
    1 2 3 4 99

Extension of a vector:

a(end + 1) = 100
  a =
    1 2 3 4 99 100

See also

Operator (), operator {}, size, length, beginning, matrixcol, matrixrow

global persistent

Declaration of global or persistent variables.


global x y ...
persistent x y ...


By default, all variables are local and created the first time they are assigned to. Local variables can be accessed only from the body of the function where they are defined, but not by any other function, even the ones they call. They are deleted when the function exits. If the function is called recursively (i.e. if it calls itself, directly or indirectly), distinct variables are defined for each call. Similarly, local variables defined in the workspace using the command-line interface cannot be referred to in functions.

On the other hand, global variables can be accessed by multiple functions and continue to exist even after the function which created them exits. Global variables must be declared with global in each function which uses them. They can also be declared in the workspace. There exists only a single variable for each different name.

Declaring a global variable has the following result:

  • If a previous local variable with the same name exists, it is deleted.
  • If the global variable does not exist, it is created and initialized with the empty array [].
  • Every access which follows the declaration in the same function or workspace uses the global variable.

Like global variables, persistent variables are preserved between function calls; but they cannot be shared between different functions. They are declared with persistent. They cannot be declared outside a function. Different persistent variables can have the same name in different functions.


Functions to reset and increment a counter:

function reset
  global counter;
  counter = 0;

function value = increment
  global counter;
  counter = counter + 1;
  value = counter;

Here is how the counter can be used:

i = increment
  i =
j = increment
  j =

See also



First index in a subscript expression.


function e = C::matrixcol(obj, i, n)


In an expression used as a single subscript to access some elements of an array A(expr), matrixcol gives an array of the same size as A where each element is the column index. For instance for a 2-by-3 matrix, matrixcol gives the 2-by-3 matrix [1,2,3;1,2,3].

In an expression used as the second of multiple subscripts to access some elements of an array A(...,expr) or A(...,expr,...), matrixcol gives a row vector of length size(A,2) whose elements are the indices of each column. It is equivalent to the range (beginning:end).

matrixcol is useful in boolean expressions to select some elements of an array.

matrixcol can be overloaded for objects of used-defined classes. Its definition should have a header equivalent to function e=C::matrixcol(obj,i,n), where C is the name of the class, obj is the object to be indexed, i is the position of the index expression where matrixcol is used, and n is the total number of index expressions.


Set to 0 the NaN values which are not in the first column:

A = [1, nan, 5; nan, 7, 2; 3, 1, 2];
A(matrixcol > 1 & isnan(A)) = 0
  A =
      1   0   5
    nan   7   2
      3   1   2

See also

matrixrow, beginning, end


First index in a subscript expression.


function e = C::matrixrow(obj, i, n)


In an expression used as a single subscript to access some elements of an array A(expr), matrixrow gives an array of the same size as A where each element is the row index. For instance for a 2-by-3 matrix, matrixrow gives the 2-by-3 matrix [1,1,1;2,2,2].

In an expression used as the first of multiple subscripts to access some elements of an array A(expr,...), matrixrow gives a row vector of length size(A,1) whose elements are the indices of each row. It is equivalent to the range (beginning:end).

matrixrow is useful in boolean expressions to select some elements of an array.

matrixrow can be overloaded for objects of used-defined classes. Its definition should be have a header equivalent to function e=C::matrixrow(obj,i,n), where C is the name of the class, obj is the object to be indexed, i is the position of the index expression where matrixrow is used, and n is the total number of index expressions.

See also

matrixcol, beginning, end


Assignment to a part of an array, list, or structure.


A = subsasgn(A, s, B)


When an assignment is made to a subscripted part of an object in a statement like A(s1,s2,...)=B, LME executes A=subsasgn(A,s,B), where subsasgn is a method of the class of variable A and s is a structure with two fields: s.type which is '()', and s.subs which is the list of subscripts {s1,s2,...}. If a subscript is the colon character which stands for all elements along the corresponding dimensions, it is represented with the string ':' in s.subs.

When an assignment is made to a subscripted part of an object in a statement like A{s}=B, LME executes A=subsasgn(A,s,B), where subsasgn is a method of the class of variable A and s is a structure with two fields: s.type which is '{}', and s.subs which is the list containing the single subscript {s}.

When an assignment is made to the field of an object in a statement like A.f=B, LME executes A=subsasgn(A,s,B), where s is a structure with two fields: s.type which is '.', and s.subs which is the name of the field ('f' in this case).

While the primary purpose of subsasgn is to permit the use of subscripts with objects, a built-in implementation of subsasgn is provided for arrays when s.type is '()', for lists and cell arrays when s.type is a list or a cell array, and for structures when s.type is '.'. In that case, the second argument s can be reduced to the list of subscripts or the field name; and a single subscripts can be given directly instead of a list of length 1.


A = [1,2;3,4];
subsasgn(A, {type='()',subs={1,':'}}, 999)
  999 999
    3   4
subsasgn(A, {type='()',subs={':',1}}, [])

Same result when the indices are given directly as the second argument:

subsasgn(A, {1,':'}, 999)
  999 999
    3   4
s = {a=2, b=1:5};
subsasgn(s, 'b', 'abc')
  a: 2
  b: 'abc'

See also

Operator (), operator {}, subsref, beginning, end


Reference to a part of an array, list, or structure.


B = subsref(A, s)


When an object variable is subscripted in an expression like A(s1,s2,...), LME evaluates subsref(A,s), where subsref is a method of the class of variable A and s is a structure with two fields: s.type which is '()', and s.subs which is the list of subscripts {s1,s2,...}. If a subscript is the colon character which stands for all elements along the corresponding dimensions, it is represented with the string ':' in s.subs.

When an object variable is subscripted in an expression like A{s}, LME evaluates subsref(A,s), where subsref is a method of the class of variable A and s is a structure with two fields: s.type which is '{}', and s.subs which is the list containing the single subscript {s}.

When the field of an object variable is retrieved in an expression like A.f, LME executes subsref(A,s), where s is a structure with two fields: s.type which is '.', and s.subs which is the name of the field ('f' in this case).

While the primary purpose of subsref is to permit the use of subscripts with objects, a built-in implementation of subsref is provided for arrays when s.type is '()', for lists when s.type is '{}', and for structures when s.type is '.'. In that case, the second argument s can be reduced to the list of subscripts or the field name; and a single subscripts can be given directly instead of a list of length 1.


A = [1,2;3,4];
subsref(A, {type='()',subs={1,':'}})
  1 2

Same result when the indices are given directly as the second argument:

subsref(A, {1,':'})
  1 2
s = {a='abc', b=1:5};
subsref(s, 'b')
  1 2 3 4 5

See also

Operator (), operator {}, subsasgn, beginning, end