Sysquake Pro – Table of Contents
Sysquake for LaTeX – Table of Contents
Sysquake for LaTeX - Functions
Functions described in this section are specific to Sysquake for LaTeX. Some of them are documented because they appear in .lme files generated when .tex files which include file sysquake.sty are typeset, but they should not be called directly.
End fragment of code.
sqlxendfragment(fragid) ends a fragment of code beginning with beginlmefragment. Argument fragid (a string) must match the first argument of the previous beginlmefragment.
sqlxendfragment is used by the Sysquake package; it should not be called from .tex files.
See also
Format value for an equation.
sqlxvalue(v) str = sqlxvalue(v)
sqlxvalue(v) inserts value v in the LaTeX output, enclosed in \ensuremath so that it can be used in math mode as well as in text mode.
With an output argument, sqlxvalue(v) returns its result in a string.
Insert or get source code of LME function.
sqlxsource fun source = sqlxsource('fun');
sqlxsource inserts the source code of an LME function in the LaTeX document. The function is specified by its name; methods are specified as 'classname::methodname'. The source code is displayed with the typewriter font (\tt).
With an output argument, sqlxsource get the source code as a string and does not insert it in the LaTeX document.
Start a new fragment of code.
sqlxstartfragment(fragid, width, height)
sqlxstartfragment(fragid,width,height) starts a new fragment of code which corresponds to command \sqexpr or environment sysquake in LaTeX. Argument fragid is a string made only of letters which is used as fragment identifier; it is typically the fragment index as a lowercase roman number starting at 1. Arguments width and height are the dimensions of the figure reserved in LaTeX, or negative if the result is text without graphics.
sqlxstartfragment is used by the Sysquake package; it should not be called from .tex files.