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Sysquake Pro – Table of Contents
Sysquake for LaTeX – Table of Contents
Programming Functions
This section describes functions related to programming: function arguments, error processing, evaluation, memory.
Check that an assertion is true.
assert(expr) assert(expr, str) assert(expr, format, arg1, arg2, ...) assert(expr, identifier, format, arg1, arg2, ...)
assert(expr) checks that expr is true and throws an error otherwise. Expression expr is considered to be true if it is a non-empty array whose elements are all non-zero.
With more input arguments, assert checks that expr is true and throws the error specified by remaining arguments otherwise. These arguments are the same as those expected by function error.
When the intermediate code is optimized, assert can be ignored. It should be used only to produce errors at an early stage or as a debugging aid, not to trigger the try/catch mechanism. The expression should not have side effects. The most common use of assert is to check the validity of input arguments.
function y = fact(n) assert(length(n)==1 && isreal(n) && n==round(n), 'LME:nonIntArg'); y = prod(1:n);
See also
Built-in function evaluation.
(argout1, ...) = builtin(fun, argin1, ...)
(y1,y2,...)=builtin(fun,x1,x2,...) evaluates the built-in function fun with input arguments x1, x2, etc. Output arguments are assigned to y1, y2, etc. Function fun is specified by its name as a string.
builtin is useful to execute a built-in function which has been redefined.
Here is the definition of operator plus so that it can be used with character strings to concatenate them.
function r = plus(a, b) if ischar(a) && ischar(b) r = [a, b]; else r = builtin('plus', a, b); end
The original meaning of plus for numbers is preserved:
1 + 2 3 'ab' + 'cdef' abcdef
See also
Discard the contents of a variable.
clear clear(v1, v2, ...) clear -functions
Without argument, clear discards the contents of all the local variables, including input arguments. With string input arguments, clear(v1,v2,...) discards the contents of the enumerated variables. Note that the variables are specified by strings; clear is a normal function which evaluates its arguments if they are enclosed between parenthesis. You can also omit parenthesis and quotes and use command syntax.
clear is usually not necessary, because local variables are automatically discarded when the function returns. It may be useful if a large variable is used only at the beginning of a function, or at the command-line interface.
clear -functions or clear -f removes the definition of all functions. It can be used only from the command-line interface, not in a function.
In the example below, clear(b) evaluates its argument and clears the variable whose name is 'a'; clear b, without parenthesis and quotes, does not evaluate it; the argument is the literal string 'b'.
a = 2; b = 'a'; clear(b) a Undefined variable 'a' b a clear b b Undefined variable b
See also
variable assignment, isdefined
Copy input arguments to output arguments.
(v1, v2, ...) = deal(e) (v1, v2, ...) = deal(e1, e2, ...)
With a single input argument, deal provides a copy of it to all its output arguments. With multiple input arguments, deal provides them as output arguments in the same order.
deal can be used to assign a value to multiple variables, to swap the contents of two variables, or to assign the elements of a list to different variables.
Swap variable a and b:
a = 2; b = 'abc'; (a, b) = deal(b, a) a = abc b = 2
Copy the same random matrix to variables x, y, and z:
(x, y, z) = deal(rand(5));
Assign the elements of list l to variables v1, v2, and v3:
l = {1, 'abc', 3:5}; (v1, v2, v3) = deal(l{:}) v1 = 1 v2 = abc v3 = 3 4 5
See also
varargin, varargout, operator {}
Dump the value of an expression as an assignment to a variable.
dumpvar(value) dumpvar(name, value) dumpvar(fd, name, value) str = dumpvar(value) str = dumpvar(name, value) ... = dumpvar(..., fd=fd, NPrec=nPrec)
dumpvar(fd,name,value) writes to the channel fd (the standard output by default) a string which would set the variable name to value, if it was evaluated by LME. If name is omitted, only the textual representation of value is written. A file descriptor can also be specified as a named argument fd.
With an output argument, dumpvar stores result into a string and produces no output.
In addition to fd, dumpvar also accepts named argument NPrec for the maximum number of digits in floating-point numbers.
dumpvar(2+3) 5 a = 6; dumpvar('a', a) a = 6; s = 'abc'; dumpvar('string', s) string = 'abc'; dumpvar('x', 1/3, NPrec=5) x = 0.33333;
See also
Display an error message and abort the current computation.
error(str) error(format, arg1, arg2, ...) error(identifier, format, arg1, arg2, ...) error(identifier) error(..., throwAsCaller=b)
Outside a try block, error(str) displays string str as an error message and the computation is aborted. With more arguments, error use the first argument as a format string and displays remaining arguments accordingly, like fprintf.
In a try block, error(str) throws a user error without displaying anything.
An error identifier can be added in front of other arguments. It is a string made of at least two segments separated by semicolons. Each segment has the same syntax as variable or function name (i.e. it begins with a letter or an underscore, and it continues with letters, digits and underscores.) The identifier can be retrieved with lasterr or lasterror in the catch part of a try/catch construct and helps to identify the error. For errors thrown by LME built-in functions, the first segment is always LME.
The identifier of an internal error (an error which can be thrown by an LME builti-in function, such as 'LME:indexOutOfRange'), can be used as the only argument; then the standard error message is displayed.
error also accepts a boolean named argument throwAsCaller. If it is true, the context of the error is changed so that the function calling error appears to throw the error itself. It is useful for fully debugged functions whose internal operation can be hidden. Keyword hideimplementation has a similar effect at the level of a library, by hiding the internal error handling in all its functions.
error('Invalid argument.'); Invalid argument. o = 'ground'; error('robot:hit', 'The robot is going to hit %s', o); The robot is going to hit ground lasterror message: 'The robot is going to hit ground' identifier: 'robot:hit'
Definition of a function which checks its input arguments, and a test function which calls it:
function xmax = largestRoot(a, b, c) // largest root of a x^2 + b x + c = 0 if b^2 - 4 * a * c < 0 error('No real root', throwAsCaller=true); end xmax = (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a); function test a = largestRoot(1,1,1);
Error message:
test No real root (test;8)
Error message without throwAsCaller=true in the definition of largestRoot:
test No real root (largestRoot;4) -> test;8
See also
warning, try, lasterr, lasterror, assert, fprintf, hideimplementation
Evaluate the contents of a string as an expression or statements.
x = eval(str_expression) eval(str_statement)
If eval has output argument(s), the input argument is evaluated as an expression whose result(s) is returned. Without output arguments, the input argument is evaluated as statement(s). eval can evaluate and assign to existing variables, but cannot create new ones.
eval('1+2') 3 a = eval('1+2') a = 3 eval('a=2+3') a = 5
See also
Existence of a function or variable.
b = exist(name) b = exist(name, type)
exist returns true if its argument is the name of an existing function or variable, or false otherwise. A second argument can restrict the lookup to builtin functions ('builtin'), user functions ('function'), or variables ('variable').
exist('sin') true exist('cos', 'function') false
See also
Function evaluation.
(argout1,...) = feval(fun,argin1,...)
(y1,y2,...)=feval(fun,x1,x2,...) evaluates function fun with input arguments x1, x2, etc. Output arguments are assigned to y1, y2, etc. Function fun is specified by either its name as a string, a function reference, or an anonymous or inline function.
If a variable f contains a function reference or an anonymous or inline function, f(arguments) is equivalent to feval(f,arguments).
y = feval('sin', 3:5) y = 0.1411 -0.7568 -0.9589 y = feval(@(x) sin(2*x), 3:5) y = -0.2794 0.9894 -0.544 fun = @(x) sin(2*x); y = fun(3:5) y = -0.2794 0.9894 -0.544
See also
builtin, eval, fevalx, apply, inline, operator @
Name of a function given by reference or source code of an inline function.
str = fun2str(funref) str = fun2str(inlinefun)
fun2str(funref) gives the name of the function whose reference is funref.
fun2str(inlinefun) gives the source code of the inline function inlinefun.
fun2str(@sin) sin fun2str(inline('x+2*y', 'x', 'y')) function y=f(x,y);y=x+2*y;
See also
Information about LME.
info info builtin info date info errors info functions info global info libraries info methods info operators info persistent info size info threads info usedlibraries info variables info(kind, fd=fd) str = info SA = info(kind)
info displays the language version. With an output argument, the language version is given as a string.
info builtin displays the list of built-in functions with their module name (modules are subsets of built-in functions). A letter u is displayed after each untrusted function (functions which cannot be executed in the sandbox). With an output argument, info('builtin') gives a structure array which describes each built-in function, with the following fields:
Field | Description |
name | function name |
module | module name |
trusted | true if the function is trusted |
info operators displays the list of operators. With an output argument, info('operators') gives a list of structures, like info('builtin').
info functions displays the list of user-defined functions with the library where they are defined and the line number in the source code. Parenthesis denote functions known by LME, but not loaded; they also indicate spelling errors in function or variable names. With an output argument, info('functions') gives a structure array which describes each user-defined function, with the following fields:
Field | Description |
library | library name |
name | function name |
loaded | true if loaded |
line | line number if available, or [] |
info methods displays the list of methods. With an output argument, info('methods') gives a structure array which describes each method, with the following fields:
Field | Description |
library | library name |
class | class name |
name | function name |
loaded | true if loaded |
line | line number if available, or [] |
info variables displays the list of variables with their type and size. With an output argument, info('variables') gives a structure array which describes each variable, with the following fields:
Field | Description |
name | function name |
defined | true if defined |
info global displays the list of all global variables. With an output argument, info('global') gives the list of the global variable names.
info persistent displays the list of all persistent variables. With an output argument, info('persistent') gives the list of the persistent variable names.
info libraries displays the list of all loaded libraries with the libraries they have loaded with use. The base context in which direct commands are evaluated is displayed as (base); it is not an actual library and contains no function definition. With an output argument, info('libraries') gives a structure array with the following fields:
Field | Description |
library | library name, or '(base)' |
sublibraries | list of sublibraries |
info usedlibraries displays the list of libraries available in the current context. With an output argument, info('usedlibraries') gives the list of the names of these libraries.
info errors displays the list of error messages. With an output argument, info('errors') gives a structure array which describes each error message, with the following fields:
Field | Description |
id | error ID |
msg | error message |
info size displays the size in bytes of integer numbers (as used for indices and most internal computations), double numbers, single numbers, and pointers; the byte ordering in multibyte values (little-endian if the least-significant byte comes first, else big-endian), and whether arrays are stores column-wise or row-wise. With an output argument, info('size') gives them in a structure of six fields:
Field | Description |
int | integer size |
double | double size |
single | single size (or 0) |
ptr | pointer size |
be | true if big-endian |
columnwise | true for column-wise array layout |
info date displays the compilation date. With an output argument, info('date') gives it in a structure:
Field | Description |
date | year, month, and day in a row vector |
info threads displays the ID of all threads. With an output argument, info('threads') gives a structure array which describes each thread, with the following fields:
Field | Description |
id | thread ID |
totaltime | execution time in seconds |
Only the first character of the argument is meaningful; info b is equivalent to info builtin.
A named argument fd can specify the output channel; in that case, the command syntax cannot be used.
info LME 5.2 info s int: 4 bytes double: 8 bytes ptr: 4 bytes little endian array layout: row-wise info b LME/abs LME/acos LME/acosh (etc.) info v ans (1x1 complex) vars = info('v') var = 2x1 struct array (2 fields)
List of variables displayed on channel 2 (standard error channel):
info('v', fd=2)
Library hierarchy in the command-line interface:
use lti info l (base): _cli, lti _cli: lti lti: polynom polynom
The meaning is as follows: (base) is the context where commands are evaluated; functions defined from the command-line interface, stored in _cli, and in lti can be called from there. Functions defined from the command-line interface also have access to the definitions of lti. Library lti uses library polynom, but functions defined in polynom cannot be called directly from commands (polynom does not appear as a sublibrary of (base) or _cli). Finally, library polynom does not import a sublibrary itself.
See also
b = isequal(a, b, ...)
isequal compares its input arguments and returns true if all of them are equal, and false otherwise. Two numeric, logical and/or char arrays are considered to be equal if they have the same size and if their corresponding elements have the same value; an array which has at least one NaN (not a number) element is not equal to any other array. Two lists, cell arrays, structures or structure arrays are equal if the corresponding elements or fields are equal. Structure fields do not have to be in the same order.
isequal differs from operator == in that it results in a scalar logical value and arrays do not have to have the same size. It differs from operator === in that it does not require the type or the structure field order to agree, and in the way NaN is interpreted.
See also
Creation of inline function.
fun = inline(funstr) fun = inline(expr) fun = inline(expr, arg1, ...) fun = inline(funstr, param) fun = inline(expr, arg1, ..., paramstruct) fun = inline(expr, ..., true)
Inline function are LME objects which can be evaluated to give a result as a function of their input arguments. Contrary to functions declared with the function keyword, inline functions can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments, and built dynamically. Evaluating them with feval is faster than using eval with a string, because they are compiled only once to an intermediate code. They can also be used as the argument of functions such as fzero and fmin.
inline(funstr) returns an inline function whose source code is funstr. Input argument funstr follows the same syntax as a plain function. The function name is ignored.
inline(expr) returns an inline function with one implicit input argument and one result. The input argument expr is a string which evaluates to the result. The implicit input argument of the inline function is a symbol made of a single lower-case letter different from i and j, such as x or t, which is found in expr. If several such symbols are found, the one closer to x in alphabetical order is picked.
inline(expr,arg1,...) returns an inline function with one result and the specified arguments arg1 etc. These arguments are also given as strings.
Inline functions also accept an additional input argument which correspond to fixed parameters provided when the function is executed. inline(funstr,param), where funstr is a string which contains the source code of a function, stores param together with the function. When the function is called, param is prepended to the list of input arguments.
inline(expr,args...,paramstruct) is a simplified way to create an inline function when the code consists of a single expression. args is the names of the arguments which must be supplied when the inline function is called, as strings; paramstruct is a structure whose fields define fixed parameters.
inline(expr,...,true) defines a function which can return as many output arguments as what feval (or other functions which call the inline function) expects. Argument expr must be a function call itself.
Anonymous functions created with operator @ are an alternative, often easier way of creating inline functions. The result is the same. Since inline is a normal function, it must be used in contexts where fixed parameters cannot be created as separate variables.
A simple expression, evaluated at x=1 and x=2:
fun = inline('cos(x)*exp(-x)'); y = feval(fun, 2) y = -5.6319e-2 y = feval(fun, 5) y = 1.9113e-3
A function of x and y:
fun = inline('exp(-x^2-y^2)', 'x', 'y');
A function with two output arguments (the string is broken in three lines to have a nice program layout):
fun = inline(['function (a,b)=f(v);',... 'a=mean(v);',... 'b=prod(v)^(1/length(v));']); (am, gm) = feval(fun, 1:10) am = 5.5 gm = 4.5287
Simple expression with fixed parameter a:
fun = inline('cos(a*x)', 'x', struct('a',2)); feval(fun, 3) 0.9602
An equivalent function where the source code of a complete function is provided:
fun = inline('function y=f(a,x); y=cos(a*x);', 2); feval(fun, 3) 0.9602
The same function created with the anonymous function syntax:
a = 2; fun = @(x) cos(a*x);
A function with two fixed parameters a and b whose values are provided in a list:
inline('function y=f(p,x);(a,b)=deal(p{:});y=a*x+b;',{2,3})
An inline function with a variable number of output arguments:
fun = inline('eig(exp(x))',true); e = feval(fun, magic(2)) e = -28.1440 38.2514 (V,D) = feval(fun, magic(2)) V = -0.5455 -0.4921 0.8381 -0.8705 D = -28.1440 0.0000 0.0000 38.2514
See also
function, operator @, feval, eval
List of functions loaded in memory.
inmem SA = inmem
inmem displays the list of user-defined functions loaded in memory with the library where they are defined. With an output argument, inmem gives the result as a structure array which describes each user-defined function loaded in memory, with the following fields:
Field | Description |
library | library name |
class | class name ('' for functions) |
name | function name |
See also
Check if a variable is defined.
isdefined(var) returns true if variable var is defined, and false otherwise. Unlike ordinary functions, isdefined's argument must be a variable known to LME, referenced by name without quotes, and not an arbitrary expression. A variable is undefined in the following circumstances:
- function input argument when the function call does not supply enough values;
- function output argument which has not been assigned to, in the function itself, not in a function call;
- function local variable before its first assignment;
- function local variable after it has been cleared with function clear.
At command-line interface, clear usually discards completely variables.
Let function f be defined as
function f(x) if isdefined(x) disp(x); else disp('Argument x is not defined.'); end
f Argument x is not defined. f(3) 3
See also
nargin, exist, which, clear, function
Test for an inline function or function reference.
b = isfun(obj)
isfun(obj) returns true if obj is an inline function or a function reference, or false otherwise.
See also
Test for the existence of a global variable.
b = isglobal(str)
isglobal(str) returns true if the string str is the name of a global variable, defined as such in the current context.
See also
Test for a keyword name.
b = iskeyword(str) list = iskeyword
iskeyword(str) returns true if the string str is a reserved keyword which cannot be used as a function or variable name, or false otherwise. Keywords include if and global, but not the name of built-in functions like sin or i.
Without input argument, iskeyword gives the list of all keywords.
iskeyword('otherwise') true iskeyword {'break','case','catch','continue','else','elseif', 'end','endfunction','for','function','global', 'hideimplementation','if','otherwise','persistent', 'private','public','repeat','return','switch','try', 'until','use','useifexists','while'}
See also
Check whether computer runs under macOS.
b = ismac
ismac returns true on macOS, false on other platforms.
See also
Check whether platform is a PC.
b = ispc
ispc returns true on Windows, false on other platforms.
See also
Check whether computer runs under unix.
b = isunix
isunix returns true on unix platforms (including Mac OS X and unix-like), false on other platforms.
See also
Last error message.
msg = lasterr (msg, identifier) = lasterr
lasterr returns a string which describes the last error. With two output arguments, it also gives the error identifier. It can be used in the catch part of the try construct.
x = 2; x(3) Index out of range (msg, identifier) = lasterr msg = Index out of range identifier = LME:indexOutOfRange
See also
Last error structure.
s = lasterror
lasterror returns a structure which describes the last error. It contains the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
identifier | string | short tag which identifies the error |
message | string | error message |
The structure can be used as argument to rethrow in the catch part of a try/catch construct to propagate the error further.
x = 2; x(3) Index out of range lasterror message: 'Index out of range' identifier: 'LME:indexOutOfRange'
See also
Named input arguments.
function ... = fun(..., namedargin)
namedargin is a special variable which can be used to collect named input arguments. In the function declaration, it must be used as the last (or unique) input argument. When the function is called with named arguments, all of them are collected and stored in namedargin as a structure, where field names correspond to the argument names. With namedargin, there is no matching between the named arguments and the argument names in the function declaration. If the function is called without any named argument, namedargin is set to an empty structure.
In the body of the function, namedargin is a normal variable. Its fields can be accessed with the dot notation namedargin.name or namedargin.(name). All functions using structures can be used, such as fieldnames or isfield. namedargin can also be modified or assigned to any value of any type.
When both varargin (for a variable number of unnamed arguments) and namedargin are used in the same function, they must be the last-but-one and the last arguments in the function declaration, respectively.
Here is a function which calculates the volume of a solid of revolution defined by a function y=f(x) between x=a and x=b, rotating around y=0. It accepts the same options as integral, given as a single option argument, as named values or both.
function V = solidRevVolume(fun, a, b, opt=struct, namedargin) opt = structmerge(opt, namedargin); V = pi * integral(@(x) fun(x)^2, a, b, opt);
It can be called without any option (opt is set to its default value, an empty structure):
cyl = solidRevVolume(@(x) 1, 0, 1) cyl = 3.1416 cone = solidRevVolume(@(x) x, 0, 2, RelTol=1e-4) cone = 8.3776
See also
varargin, function, struct, fieldnames, structmerge, operator .
Number of input arguments.
n = nargin n = nargin(fun)
Calling a function with less arguments than what the function expects is permitted. In this case, the trailing variables are not defined. The function can use the nargin function to know how many arguments were passed by the caller to avoid accessing the undefined variables. Named arguments (arguments passed as name=value by the caller) are not included in the count.
Note that if you want to have an optional argument before the end of the list, you have to interpret the meaning of the variables yourself. LME always sets the nargin first arguments.
There are three other ways to let a function accept a variable number of input arguments: to check if an input argument is defined with isdefined, to define default values directly in the function header, or to call varargin to collect some or all of the input arguments in a list.
With an input argument, nargin(fun) returns the (maximum) number of input arguments a function accepts. fun can be the name of a built-in or user function, a function reference, or an inline function. Functions with a variable number of input arguments (such as fprintf) give -1.
A function with a default value (pi) for its second argument:
function x = multiplyByScalar(a,k) if nargin < 2 % multiplyByScalar(x) k = pi; % same as multiplyByScalar(x,pi) end x = k * a;
A function with a default value (standard output) for its first argument. Note how you have to interpret the arguments.
function fprintstars(fd,n) if nargin == 1 % fprintstars(n) to standard output fprintf(repmat('*',1,fd)); % n is actually stored in fd else fprintf(fd, repmat('*',1,n)); end
Number of input arguments of function plus (usually called as the infix operator "+"):
nargin('plus') 2
See also
nargout, varargin, isdefined, function
Number of output arguments.
n = nargout n = nargout(fun)
A function can be called with between 0 and the number of output arguments listed in the function definition. The function can use nargout to check whether some output arguments are not used, so that it can avoid computing them or do something else.
With one argument, nargout(fun) returns the (maximum) number of output arguments a function can provide. fun can be the name of a built-in or user function, a function reference, or an inline function. Functions with a variable number of output arguments (such as feval) give -1.
A function which prints nicely its result when it is not assigned or used in an expression:
function y = multiplyByTwo(x) if nargout > 0 y = 2 * x; else fprintf('The double of %f is %f\n', x, 2*x); end
Maximum number of output arguments of svd:
nargout('svd') 3
See also
Throw an error described by a structure.
rethrow(s) rethrow(s, throwAsCaller=b)
rethrow(s) throws an error described by structure s, which contains the same fields as the output of lasterror. rethrow is typically used in the catch part of a try/catch construct to propagate further an error; but it can also be used to initiate an error, like error.
rethrow also accepts a boolean named argument throwAsCaller. If it is true, the context of the error is changed so that the function calling rethrow appears to throw the error itself. It is useful for fully debugged functions whose internal operation can be hidden.
The error whose identifier is 'LME:indexOutOfRange' is handled by catch; other errors are not.
try ... catch err = lasterror; if err.identifier === 'LME:indexOutOfRange' ... else rethrow(err); end end
See also
Function reference.
funref = str2fun(str)
str2fun(funref) gives a function reference to the function whose name is given in string str. It has the same effect as operator @, which is preferred when the function name is fixed.
str2fun('sin') @sin @sin @sin a = 'cos'; str2fun(a) @cos
See also
Convert to an object its string representation.
obj = str2obj(str)
str2obj(str) evaluates string str and gives its result. It has the inverse effect as dumpvar with one argument. It differs from eval by restricting the syntax it accepts to literal values and to the basic constructs for creating complex numbers, arrays, lists, structures, objects, and other built-in types.
str2obj('1+2j') 1 + 2j str = dumpvar({1, 'abc', 1:100}) str = {1, ... 'abc', ... [1:100]} str2obj(str) {1,'abc',real 1x100} eval(str) {1,'abc',real 1x100} str2obj('sin(2)') Bad argument 'str2obj' eval('sin(2)') 0.9093
See also
Remaining input arguments.
function ... = fun(..., varargin) function ... = fun(..., varargin, namedargin) l = varargin
varargin is a special variable which can be used to collect input arguments. In the function declaration, it must be used after the normal input arguments; if namedargin is also present, varargin immediately precedes it. When the function is called with more arguments than what can be assigned to the other arguments, remaining ones are collected in a list and assigned to varargin. In the body of the function, varargin is a normal variable. Its elements can be accessed with the brace notation varargin{i}. nargin is always the total number of arguments passed to the function by the caller.
When the function is called with fewer arguments than what is declared, varargin is set to the empty list, {}.
Here is a function which accepts any number of square matrices and builds a block-diagonal matrix:
function M = blockdiag(varargin) M = []; for block = varargin // block takes the value of each input argument (m, n) = size(block); M(end+1:end+m,end+1:end+n) = block; end
In the call below, varargin contains the list {ones(3),2*ones(2),3}.
blockdiag(ones(3),2*ones(2),3) 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
See also
nargin, namedargin, varargout, function
Remaining output arguments.
function (..., varargout) = fun(...) varargout = ...
varargout is a special variable which can be used to dispatch output arguments. In the function declaration, it must be used as the last (or unique) output argument. When the function is called with more output arguments than what can be obtained from the other arguments, remaining ones are extracted from the list varargout. In the body of the function, varargout is a normal variable. Its value can be set globally with the brace notation {...} or element by element with varargout{i}. nargout can be used to know how many output arguments to produce.
Here is a function which differentiates a vector of values as many times as there are output arguments:
function varargout = multidiff(v) for i = 1:nargout v = diff(v); varargout{i} = v; end
In the call below, [1,3,7,2,5,3,1,8] is differentiated four times.
(v1, v2, v3, v4) = multidiff([1,3,7,2,5,3,1,8]) v1 = 2 4 -5 3 -2 -2 7 v2 = 2 -9 8 -5 0 9 v3 = -11 17 -13 5 9 v4 = 28 -30 18 4
See also
Contents of the variables as a structure.
v = variables
variables returns a structure whose fields contain the variables defined in the current context.
a = 3; b = 1:5; variables a: 3 b: real 1x5 ...
See also
Write a warning to the standard error channel.
warning(msg) warning(format, arg1, arg2, ...)
warning(msg) displays the string msg. It should be used to notify the user about potential problems, not as a general-purpose display function.
With more arguments, warning uses the first argument as a format string and displays remaining arguments accordingly, like fprintf.
warning('Doesn\'t converge.');
See also
Library where a function is defined.
fullname = which(name)
which(name) returns an indication of where function name is defined. If name is a user function or a method prefixed with its class and two colons, the result is name prefixed with the library name and a slash. If name is a built-in function, it is prefixed with (builtin); a variable, with (var); and a keyword, with (keyword). If name is unknown, which returns the empty string.
which logspace stdlib/logspace which polynom::plus polynom/polynom::plus which sin (builtin)/sin x = 2; which x (var)/x