Sysquake Pro – Table of Contents
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Integer Functions
uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 int8 int16 int32 int64
Conversion to integer types.
B = uint8(A) B = uint16(A) B = uint32(A) B = uint64(A) B = int8(A) B = int16(A) B = int32(A) B = int64(A)
The functions convert a number or an array to unsigned or signed integers. The name contains the size of the integer in bits.
To avoid a conversion from double to integer, constant literal numbers should be written with a type suffix, such as 12int32. This is the only way to specify large 64-bit numbers, because double-precision floating-point numbers have a mantissa of 56 bits.
Constant arrays of uint8 can also be encoded in a compact way using base64 inline data.
uint64 and int64 are not supported on platforms with tight memory constraints.
uint8(3) 3uint8 3uint8 3uint8 uint8([50:50:400]) 1x8 uint8 array 50 100 150 200 250 44 94 144 @/base64 MmSWyPosXpA= 50 100 ... 144 int8([50:50:400]) 1x8 int8 array 50 100 -106 -56 -6 44 94 -112
The base64 data above is obtained with the following expression:
See also
double, single, char, logical, map2int
Largest integer.
i = intmax i = intmax(type)
Without input argument, intmax gives the largest signed 32-bit integer. intmax(type) gives the largest integer of the type specified by string type, which can be 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', or 'int64' (64-bit integers are not supported on all platforms). The result has the corresponding integer type.
intmax 2147483647int32 intmax('uint16') 65535uint16
See also
intmin, realmax, flintmax, uint8 and related functions, map2int
Smallest integer.
i = intmin i = intmin(type)
Without input argument, intmin gives the smallest signed 32-bit integer. intmin(type) gives the largest integer of the type specified by string type, which can be 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', or 'int64' (64-bit integers are not supported on all platforms). The result has the corresponding integer type.
intmin -2147483648int32 intmin('uint16') 0uint16
See also
intmax, realmin, uint8 and related functions, map2int
Mapping of a real interval to an integer type.
B = map2int(A) B = map2int(A, vmin, vmax) B = map2int(A, vmin, vmax, type)
map2int(A,vmin,vmax) converts number or array A to 8-bit unsigned integers. Values between vmin and vmax in A are mapped linearly to values 0 to 255. With a single input argument, the default input interval is 0 to 1.
map2int(A,vmin,vmax,type) converts A to the specified type, which can be any integer type given as a string: 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', or 'int64' (64-bit integers are not supported on all platforms). The input interval is mapped to its full range.
In all cases, input values outside the interval are clipped to the minimum or maximum values.
map2int(-0.2:0.2:1.2) 1x5 uint8 array 0 0 51 102 153 204 255 255 map2int([1,3,7], 0, 10, 'uint16') 1x3 uint16 array 6553 19660 45875 map2int([1,3,7], 0, 10, 'int16') 1x3 int16 array -26214 -13107 13107
See also
uint8 and related functions.