Sysquake Pro – Table of Contents
Sysquake for LaTeX – Table of Contents
Extension - JSON
This section describes functions which encode and decode JSON data. JSON means JavaScript Object Notation; it is a text format based on the syntax of JavaScript for storing literal values. It is described in RFC 8259.
Convert JSON in a string to a structure or list.
s = json2obj(str)
json2obj(str) converts the data represented in string str with JSON format into a structure or a list. Objects are converted to structures and arrays to lists. Names must be compatible with LME field names.
json2obj('{"a":true,"b":"abc","c":12.345e2}') a: true b: 'abc' c: 1234.5 json2obj('[true,"abc",12.345]') {true,'abc',12.345}
See also
Convert a structure or list to JSON.
str = obj2json(s)
obj2json(s) converts structure or array s (list, cell array, or array of type double or logical) to JSON in a string. If s is of type double or logical, it must be an array of at least two elements; if it is a list or structure, it must not be empty. Nested empty structures or arrays are converted to JSON null value.
obj2json({'abc', [], [2,3]}) '[\n"abc",\nnull,\n[\n2,\n3\n]\n]'