As first author
Yves Piguet, Ulf Holmberg and Roland Longchamp, Multi-model weighted pole placement. European Journal of Control, 3:216-226, 1997 (abstract).
Yves Piguet, Ulf Holmberg and Roland Longchamp, Multiobjective controller design using multiple models. In Proc. of 2nd IFAC Symp. on Robust Control Design, pp. 253-258, Budapest, 1997 (abstract).
Yves Piguet, Synthèse multimodèle d'un régulateur polynomial robuste (multimodel synthesis of a robust polynomial controller). Ph.D. thesis 1747, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, 1997 (abstract, texte intégral (French, PDF, 1 MB)).
Yves Piguet, Ulf Holmberg and Roland Longchamp, A minimax approach for multi-objective controller design using multiple models. International Journal of Control, Taylor and Francis Ltd, London, 1999 (abstract).
Yves Piguet, Ulf Holmberg and Roland Longchamp, Instantaneous performance display for graphical control design methods. IFAC, Beijing, 1999 (abstract).
Yves Piguet and Denis Gillet, Java-based remote experimentation for control algorithms prototyping. ACC, San Diego, 1999 (abstract).
Sysquake User Manual. Calerga, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1999. 2nd ed., 2000. 3rd ed., 2001. 4th ed., 2004.
Yves Piguet, H.-F. Raynaud, L. Pronzato and E. Walter, Discussion on: 'Robust Identification and Control Based on Ellipsoidal Parametric Uncertainty Descriptions' by H.-F. Raynaud, L. Prozato and E. Walter. European Journal of Control, 6:256-257, 2000.
Yves Piguet, Francesco Mondada, and Roland Siegwart, New environment for learning by doing in mechatronics education. Workshop on Robotics Education and Training, Weingarten, Germany, July 2001 (abstract).
Yves Piguet, Denis Gillet, Nicola Tomatis, and Roland Siegwart, Environment for online experimentation and analysis. Educational Applications of Online Robots Workshop, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington DC, USA, May 2002 (abstract).
Yves Piguet, Francesco Mondada, and Roland Siegwart, "Hands-On Mechatronics": Problem-Based Learning for Mechatronics. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Discussion panel on education, Washington DC, USA, May 2002 (abstract).
Yves Piguet and Roland Longchamp, Interactive Applications in a Mandatory Control Course. IFAC Advanced Control Education, Madrid, Spain, June 2006 (abstract).
Yves Piguet and Philippe Mullhaupt, Fast Step-Response Evaluation of Linear Continuous-Time Systems with Time Delay in the Feedback Loop. 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, July 2008 (abstract).
As coauthor
D. Glauser, P. Flury, M. Epitaux, Y. Piguet, and C.W. Burckhardt, Neurosurgical operation with the dedicated robot Minerva. ICAR 93 (International Conference on Advanced Robotics), Tokyo, Nov. 1993.
H. Fankhauser, D. Glauser, P. Flury, Y. Piguet, M. Epitaux, J. Favre, and R.A. Meuli, Robot for CT-guided stereotactic neurosurgery. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 1994. 63(1-4): p. 93-8 (abstract).
Roland Longchamp and Yves Piguet, Closed-Loop Estimation of Robustness Margins by the Relay Method. In Proc. of ACC'95, pp. 2687-2691, Seattle, 1995 (abstract).
Ulf Holmberg, Piotr Myszkorowski, Yves Piguet and Roland Longchamp, On compensation of nonminimum-phase zeros. Automatica, 31(10):1433-1441, Septembre 1995 (abstract).
Ulf Holmberg, Yves Piguet and Dominique Bonvin, Robust control synthesis for plants with parametric uncertainties. In Proc. of 1995 European Control Conf., volume 4, pp. 3025-3030, Rome, 1995 (abstract).
Martin Dimmler and Yves Piguet, Intuitive Design of Complex Real-Time Control Systems. 11th International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP 2000), Paris, 2000 (abstract).
Michel Lauria, Yves Piguet, and Roland Siegwart, Octopus: an Autonomous Wheeled Climbing Robot. CLAWAR'2002, Paris, 2002 (abstract).
D. Gillet, F. Geoffroy, K. Zeramdini, A. V. Nguyen, Y. Rekik, and Y. Piguet, The Cockpit: An Effective Metaphor for Web-based Experimentation in Engineering Education. The International Journal of Engineering Education, Volume 19, Numer 3, pp. 389-397, Dublin, Ireland, 2003 (abstract).
José Luis Guzmán, Karl J. Åström, Sebastián Dormido, Tore Hägglund, and Yves Piguet, Interactive Learning Modules for PID Control. IFAC Advanced Control Education, Madrid, Spain, June 2006 (abstract).
José Luis Guzmán, Karl J. Åström, Sebastián Dormido, Tore Hägglund, Manuel Berenguel, and Yves Piguet, Interactive Learning Modules for PID Control, Using Interactive Graphics to Learn PID Control and Develop Intuition. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Volume 28, Number 5, pp. 118-134, October 2008.