Calerga Math Display
The equation entered with LaTeX syntax is converted to MathML presentation, which is rendered in the canvas HTML element. Here are some examples you can try: \alpha \Gamma symbols \sin superscript subscript groups \sqrt \root \frac accents \not spacing \pmatrix array \nolimits font \color
Bounding box Text position
The following LaTeX features are supported:
- variables (each letter is a separate variable)
- numbers (sequences of digit and dot characters)
- superscripts and subscripts, prime (single or multiple)
- braces used to group subexpressions or specify arguments with more than one token
- operators (+, -, comma, semicolon, etc.)
- control sequences for character definitions, with greek characters in lower case (\alpha, ..., \omega, \varepsilon, \vartheta, \varphi) and upper case (\Alpha, ..., \Omega), arrows (\leftarrow or \gets, \rightarrow or \to, \uparrow, \downarrow, \leftrightarrow, \updownarrow, \Leftarrow, \Rightarrow, \Uparrow, \Downarrow, \Leftrightarrow, \Updownarrow, \nwarrow, \nearrow, \searrow, \swarrow, \mapsto, \hookleftarrow, \hookrightarrow, \Longleftrightarrow, \longmapsto), and symbols (\|, \ell, \partial, \infty, \emptyset, \nabla, \perp, \angle, \triangle, \backslash, \forall, \exists, \flat, \natural, \sharp, \pm, \mp, \cdot, \times, \star, \diamond, \cap, \cup, etc.)
- \not followed by comparison operator, such as \not< or \not\approx
- control sequences for function definitions (\arccos, \arcsin, \arctan, \arg, \cos, \cosh, \cot, \coth, \csc, \deg, \det, \dim, \exp, \gcd, \hom, \inf, \injlim, \ker, \lg, \liminf, \limsup, \ln, \log, \max, \min, \Pr, \projlim, \sec, \sin, \sinh, \sup, \tan, \tanh)
- accents (\hat, \check, \tilde, \acute, grave, \dot, \ddot, \dddot, breve, \bar, \vec, \overline, \widehat, \widetilde, \underline)
- \left and \right
- fractions with \frac or \over
- roots with \sqrt (without optional radix) or \root...\of...
- \atop
- large operators (\bigcap, \bigcup, \bigodot, \bigoplus, \bigotimes, \bigsqcup, \biguplus, \bigvee, \bigwedge, \coprod, \prod, and \sum with implicit \limits for limits below and above the symbol; and \int, \iint, \iiint, \iiiint, \oint, and \oiint with implicit \nolimits for limits to the right of the symbol)
- \limits and \nolimits for functions and large operators
- matrices with \matrix, \pmatrix, \bmatrix, \Bmatrix, \vmatrix, \Vmatrix, \begin{array}{...}.../\end{array}; values are separated with & and rows with \cr or \\
- font selection with \rm for roman, \bf for bold face, and \mit for math italic
- color with \color{c} where c is black, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, white, orange, violet, purple, brown, darkgray, gray, or lightgray
- hidden element with \phantom
- text with \hbox{...} (brace contents is taken verbatim)
- horizontal spaces with \, \: \; \quad \qquad and \!
LaTeX features not enumerated above, such as definitions and nested text and equations, are not supported.
On the other hand, some semantics is recognized to build subexpressions which are revealed in the resulting MathML. For instance, in x+(y+z)w, (y+z) is a subexpressions; so is (y+z)w with an implicit multiplication (resulting in the <mo>⁢<mo> MathML operator), used as the second operand of the addition. LaTeX code (like mathematical notation) is sometimes ambiguous and is not always converted to the expected MathML (e.g. a(b+c) is converted to a function call while the same notation could mean the product of a and b+c), but this should not have any visible effect when the MathML is typeset.
Operators can be used as freely as in LaTeX. Missing operands result in <none/>, as if there were an empty pair of braces {}. Consecutive terms are joined with implicit multiplications.