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Sysquake Pro – Table of Contents

Sysquake – Table of Contents

Sysquake for LaTeX – Table of Contents

File Input/Output Functions

Access to any kind of file can be useful to analyze data which come from other applications (such as experimental data) and to generate results in a form suitable for other applications (such as source code or HTML files). Functions specific to files are described in this section. Input, output, and control are done with the following generic functions:

fcloseclose the file
feofcheck end of file status
fflushflush I/O buffers
fgetlread a line
fgetsread a line
fprintfwrite formatted data
freadread data
frewindreset the current I/O position
fscanfread formatted data
fseekchange the current I/O position
ftellget the current I/O position
fwritewrite data
redirectredirect output


Open a file.


fd = fopen(path)
fd = fopen(path, mode)


fopen opens a file for reading and/or writing. The first argument is a path whose format depends on the platform. If it is a plain file name, the file is located in the current directory; what "current" means also depends on the operating system. The output argument, a real number, is a file descriptor which can be used by many input/output functions, such as fread, fprintf, or dumpvar.

The optional second input argument, a string of one or two characters, specifies the mode. It can take one of the following values:

(none)same as 'r'
'r'read-only, binary mode, seek to beginning
'w'read/write, binary mode, create new file
'a'read/write, binary mode, seek to end
'rt'read-only, text mode, seek to beginning
'wt'read/write, text mode, create new file
'at'read/write, text mode, seek to end

In text mode, end-of-line characters LF, CR and CRLF are all converted to LF ('\n') on input. On output, they are converted to the native sequence for the operating system, which is CRLF on Windows and LF elsewhere. To force the output end-of-line to be LF irrespectively of the operating system, use 'q' instead of 't' (e.g. 'wq' to write to a file); to force it to be CRLF, use 'T' (e.g. 'aT' to append to a file).


Reading a whole text file into a string:

fd = fopen('file.txt', 'rt');
str = fread(fd, inf, '*char');

Reading a whole text file line by line:

fd = fopen('file.txt', 'rt');
while ~feof(fd)
  str = fgets(fd)

Writing a matrix to a CSV (comma-separated values) text file:

M = magic(5);
fd = fopen('file.txt', 'wt');
for i = 1:size(M, 1)
  for j = 1:size(M, 2)-1
    fprintf(fd, '%g,', M(i,j));
  fprintf(fd, '%g\n', M(i,end));

Reading 5 bytes at offset 3 in a binary file, giving an 5-by-1 array of unsigned 8-bit integers:

fd = fopen('file.bin');
fseek(fd, 3);
data = fread(fd, 5, '*uint8');

See also
