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Sysquake Pro – Table of Contents

Sysquake – Table of Contents

Sysquake for LaTeX – Table of Contents

Web Services

This section describes functions which implement the client side of the XML-RPC and SOAP protocols, as well as low-level functions which can also be used to implement the server side. XML-RPC and SOAP permit web services, i.e. calling a function on a remote server over the World Wide Web. XML-RPC is based on two standards: XML (eXtended Mark-up Language), used to encode the request to the server and its response to the client, and HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), the main communication protocol used by the World Wide Web. In XML-RPC, RPC means Remote Procedure Call; it is a mechanism used for decades to communicate between a client and a server on a network. The advantages of XML-RPC are that it is based on the same technologies as the Web and it is very simple. Its drawbacks are that it is less efficient than a binary encoding, and it is sometimes too simple and requires encoding of binary data, which defeats its main advantage. For instance strings are encoded in ASCII, and supported types are much less rich than LME's.

SOAP is also a standard used for exchanging data encoded with XML. It is more complicated than XML-RPC and supports more types. Function parameters are referenced by name while XML-RPC uses an ordered list. SOAP requests can be sent with different communication protocols; the implementation described here uses only the most common one, HTTP.


In LME, XML-RPC makes calls to remote procedure similar to the use of feval. The two main functions are xmlrpccall and xmlrpccallset. Lower-level functions which encode and decode calls and responses, while not necessary for standard calls, can be used to understand exactly how data are converted, to implement the server, or for special applications.

Procedure calls can contain parameters (arguments) and always return a single response. These data have different types. XML-RPC converts them automatically, as follows.

i4int32 scalar
intint32 scalar
booleanlogical scalar
stringcharacter 1-by-n array
doublereal double scalar
dateTime.iso86011-by-6 double array
base641-by-n uint8 array

There is no difference between i4 and int. In strings, only the least-significant byte is transmitted (i.e. only ASCII characters between 0 and 127 are transmitted correctly). Double values do not support an exponent (a sufficient number of zeros are used instead). The XML-RPC standard does not support inf and NaN; XML-RPC functions do, which should not do any harm. In LME, date and time are stored in a row vector which contains the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second (like the result of the function clock), without time zone information.


SOAP calls are very similar to XML-RPC. The main difference is that they use a single structure to represent the parameters. The member fields are used as parameter names. The table below shows the mapping between SOAP types and LME types.

xsd:intint32 scalar
xsd:booleanlogical scalar
xsd:stringcharacter 1-by-n array
xsd:doublereal double scalar
xsd:timeInstant1-by-6, 1-by-7, or 1-by-8 double array
SOAP-ENC:base641-by-n uint8 array

In LME, time instants are stored as a row vector of 6, 7, or 8 elements which contains the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, time zone hour, and time zone minute; the time zone is optional. Arrays which are declared with a single type xsd:int, xsd:boolean, or xsd:double are mapped to LME row vectors of the corresponding class.

The two main functions for performing a SOAP call are soapcall and soapcallset.



Perform a SOAP remote procedure call.


response = soapcall(url, method, ns, action, opt)
response = soapcall(url, method, ns, action, opt, param)


soapcall(url,method,ns,action,opt,param) calls a remote procedure using the SOAP protocol. url (a string) is either the complete URL beginning with http://, or only the absolute path; in the second case, the server address and port come from argument opt. method is the SOAP method name as a string; ns is its XML name space; action is the SOAP action. opt is a structure which contains the options; it is typically created with soapcallset, or can be the empty array [] for the default options. param, if present, is a structure which contains the parameters of the SOAP call.


The following call requests a translation from english to french (it assumes that the computer is connected to the Internet and that the service is available).

url = 'http://services.xmethods.net/perl/soaplite.cgi';
method = 'BabelFish';
ns = 'urn:xmethodsBabelFish';
action = 'urn:xmethodsBabelFish#BabelFish';
param = struct;
param.translationmode = 'en_fr';
param.sourcedata = 'Hello, Sysquake!';
fr = soapcall(url, method, ns, action, [], param)
  fr =
    Bonjour, Sysquake!

Note that since the server address is given in the URL, the default options are sufficient. The variable param is reset to an empty structure to make sure that no other parameter remains from a previous call.

See also



Options for SOAP call.


options = soapcallset
options = soapcallset(name1, value1, ...)
options = soapcallset(options0, name1, value1, ...)


soapcallset(name1,value1,...) creates the option argument used by soapcall, including the server and port. Options are specified with name/value pairs, where the name is a string which must match exactly the names in the table below. Case is significant. Options which are not specified have a default value. The result is a structure whose fields correspond to each option. Without any input argument, soapcallset creates a structure with all the default options. Note that soapcall also interpret the lack of an option argument, or the empty array [], as a request to use the default values.

When its first input argument is a structure, soapcallset adds or changes fields which correspond to the name/value pairs which follow.

Here is the list of permissible options:

Server''server name or IP address
Port80port number
Timeout10maximum time in seconds
Debugfalsetrue to display data

If the server is an empty string, it is replaced with 'localhost'. The Debug field is not included in the default options; when set, it causes the display of the request and responses.


Default options:

  Server: ''
  Port: 80
  Timeout: 10

See also



Decode a SOAP call request.


(method, namespace, pstruct, url) = soapreadcall(fd)
(method, namespace, pstruct, url) = soapreadcall(str)


soapreadcall(fd), where fd is a file descriptor, reads a complete SOAP call, decodes it, and returns the result in four output arguments: the method name and namespace as strings, a structure which contains the parameters, and the URL as a string.

soapreadcall(str) decodes its string argument which must be a whole SOAP call.


param = {x=pi,y=true};
str = soapwritecall('','/','','fun','namespace',param);
(method, ns, pstruct, url) = soapreadcall(str) 
  method =
  ns =
  pstruct =
    x: 3.1416
    y: true
  url =

See also

soapreadresponse, soapwritecall


Decode a SOAP call response.


(fault, value) = soapreadresponse(fd)
(fault, value) = soapreadresponse(str)


soapreadresponse(fd), where fd is a file descriptor, reads a complete SOAP response and decodes it. In case of success, it returns true in the first output argument and the decoded response value in the second output argument. In case of failure, it returns false and the fault structure, which contains the fields faultcode (error code as a string) and faultstring (error message as a string).

soapreadresponse(str) decodes its string argument which must be a whole SOAP response.


str = soapwriteresponse('fun', 'namespace', 123);
(fault, value) = soapreadresponse(str) 
  fault =
  value =
strf = soapwritefault(12int32, 'No power');
(fault, value) = soapreadresponse(strf) 
  fault =
  value =
    faultcode: '12'
    faultstring: 'No power'

See also

soapreadcall, soapwriteresponse, soapwritefault


Encode a SOAP call request.


soapwritecall(fd, server, url, action, method, ns, params)
soapwritecall(server, url, action, method, ns, params)
str = soapwritecall(server, url, action, method, ns, params)


soapwritecall(fd,server,url,action,method,ns,params) writes to file descriptor fd a complete SOAP call, including the HTTP header. If fd is missing, the call is written to standard output (file descriptor 1); since the output contains carriage return characters, it may not be displayed correctly on all platforms. The server argument is a string which contains the server name, and, optionally, a colon and the server port number. url is a string which contains the absolute path (without the protocol, server, and port part). action is a string which contains the SOAP action, or is empty if no action is required for the service. method contains the method name sent to the server; ns is its XML name space. param, if present, is a structure which contains the parameters of the SOAP call.

With an output argument, soapwritecall returns the call as a string, without any output.


param = {x=pi,y=true};
  POST / HTTP/1.1
  User-Agent: LME 4.5
  Host: server.com
  Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
  Content-Length: 495
  SOAPAction: action

  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <m:fun xmlns:m="ns">
  <x xsi:type="xsd:double">3.1415926535898</x>
  <y xsi:type="xsd:boolean">1</y>

See also

soapwriteresponse, soapreadcall, soapreadresponse


Encode a SOAP call response fault.


soapwritefault(fd, faultCode, faultString)
soapwritefault(faultCode, faultString)
str = soapwritefault(faultCode, faultString)


soapwritefault(fd,faultCode,faultString) writes to file descriptor fd a complete SOAP response fault, including the HTTP header. If fd is missing, the response is written to standard output (file descriptor 1); since the output contains carriage return characters, it may not be displayed correctly on all platforms. The faultCode argument is the fault code as an integer or a string, and the faultString is the fault message.

With an output argument, soapwritefault returns the response as a string, without any output.

See also

soapwriteresponse, soapreadresponse


Encode a SOAP call response.


soapwriteresponse(fd, method, ns, value)
soapwriteresponse(method, ns, value)
str = soapwriteresponse(method, ns, value)


soapwriteresponse(fd,method,ns,value) writes to file descriptor fd a complete SOAP response, including the HTTP header. If fd is missing, the response is written to standard output (file descriptor 1); since the output contains carriage return characters, it may not be displayed correctly on all platforms. The method argument is the method name as a string; ns is the XML name space; and value is the result of the call.

With an output argument, soapwriteresponse returns the response as a string, without any output.


soapwriteresponse('fun', 'namespace', 123)
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Connection: close
  Server: LME 4.5
  Content-Length: 484
  Content-Type: text/xml

  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <m:funResponse xmlns:m="namespace">
  <Result xsi:type="xsd:double">123.</Result>

See also

soapwritecall, soapreadresponse, soapreadcall


Perform an XML-RPC remote procedure call.


response = xmlrpccall(url, method, opt, params...)


xmlrpccall(url,method,opt,params) calls a remote procedure using the XML-RPC protocol. url (a string) is either the complete URL beginning with http://, or only the absolute path; in the second case, the server address and port come from argument opt. method is the XML-RPC method name as a string; opt is a structure which contains the options; it is typically created with xmlrpccallset, or can be the empty array [] for the default options. The remaining input arguments are sent to the server as parameters of the XML-RPC call.


The following call requests the current time and date with a complete URL (it assumes that the computer is connected to the Internet and that the service is available).

url = 'http://time.xmlrpc.com/RPC2';
dateTime = xmlrpccall(url, 'currentTime.getCurrentTime')
  dateTime =
    2005 1 20 17 32 47

The server address (and the server port if it was not the default value of 80) can also be specified in the options; then the URL contains only the absolute path.

server = xmlrpccallset('Server', 'time.xmlrpc.com');
dateTime = xmlrpccall('/RPC2', 'currentTime.getCurrentTime', server)
  dateTime =
    2005 1 20 17 32 47

See also



Options for XML-RPC call.


options = xmlrpccallset
options = xmlrpccallset(name1, value1, ...)
options = xmlrpccallset(options0, name1, value1, ...)


xmlrpccallset(name1,value1,...) creates the option argument used by xmlrpccall, including the server and port. Options are specified with name/value pairs, where the name is a string which must match exactly the names in the table below. Case is significant. Options which are not specified have a default value. The result is a structure whose fields correspond to each option. Without any input argument, xmlrpccallset creates a structure with all the default options. Note that xmlrpccall also interpret the lack of an option argument, or the empty array [], as a request to use the default values.

When its first input argument is a structure, xmlrpccallset adds or changes fields which correspond to the name/value pairs which follow.

Here is the list of permissible options:

Server''server name or IP address
Port80port number
Timeout10maximum time in seconds
Debugfalsetrue to display data

If the server is an empty string, it is replaced with 'localhost'. The Debug field is not included in the default options; when set, it causes the display of the request and responses.


Default options:

  Server: ''
  Port: 80
  Timeout: 10

See also



Decode an XML-RPC call request.


(method, arglist, url) = xmlrpcreadcall(fd)
(method, arglist, url) = xmlrpcreadcall(str)


xmlrpcreadcall(fd), where fd is a file descriptor, reads a complete XML-RPC call, decodes it, and returns the result in three output arguments: the method name as a string, a list of arguments, and the URL as a string.

xmlrpcreadcall(str) decodes its string argument which must be a whole XML-RPC call.


str = xmlrpcwritecall('rpc.remote.com', '/rpc', 'getPressure');
(method, arglist, url) = xmlrpcreadcall(str) 
  method =
  arglist =
  url =

See also

xmlrpcreadresponse, xmlrpcwritecall


Decode an XML-RPC call response.


(fault, value) = xmlrpcreadresponse(fd)
(fault, value) = xmlrpcreadresponse(str)


xmlrpcreadresponse(fd), where fd is a file descriptor, reads a complete XML-RPC response and decodes it. In case of success, it returns true in the first output argument and the decoded response value in the second output argument. In case of failure, it returns false and the fault structure, which contains the fields faultCode (error code as an int32) and faultString (error message as a string).

xmlrpcreadresponse(str) decodes its string argument which must be a whole XML-RPC response.


str = xmlrpcwriteresponse(123);
(fault, value) = xmlrpcreadresponse(str) 
  fault =
  value =
strf = xmlrpcwritefault(12int32, 'No power');
(fault, value) = xmlrpcreadresponse(strf) 
  fault =
  value =
    faultCode: 12int32
    faultString: 'No power'

See also

xmlrpcreadcall, xmlrpcwriteresponse, xmlrpcwritefault


Encode an XML-RPC call request.


xmlrpcwritecall(fd, server, url, method, params...)
xmlrpcwritecall(server, url, method, params...)
str = xmlrpcwritecall(server, url, method, params...)


xmlrpcwritecall(fd,server,url,method,params...) writes to file descriptor fd a complete XML-RPC call, including the HTTP header. If fd is missing, the call is written to standard output (file descriptor 1); since the output contains carriage return characters, it may not be displayed correctly on all platforms. The server argument is a string which contains the server name, and, optionally, a colon and the server port number. The url argument is a string which contains the absolute path (without the protocol, server, and port part). The method argument contains the method name sent to the server. Remaining input arguments, if any, are sent as parameters.

With an output argument, xmlrpcwritecall returns the call as a string, without any output.


xmlrpcwritecall('rpc.remote.com', '/rpc', 'getPressure', 1int32)
  POST /rpc HTTP/1.0
  User-Agent: LME 4.5
  Host: rpc.remote.com
  Content-Type: text/xml
  Content-Length: 111

  <?xml version="1.0"?>

See also

xmlrpcwriteresponse, xmlrpcreadcall, xmlrpcreadresponse


Encode an XML-RPC value.


xmlrpcwritedata(fd, val)
str = xmlrpcwritedata(val)


xmlrpcwritedata(fd,val) writes to file descriptor fd the value val encoded for XML-RPC. If fd is missing, the value is written to standard output (file descriptor 1); since the output contains carriage return characters, it may not be displayed correctly on all platforms.

With an output argument, xmlrpcwritedata returns the encoded value as a string, without any output.



See also

xmlrpcwritecall, xmlrpcwriteresponse


Encode an XML-RPC call response fault.


xmlrpcwritefault(fd, faultCode, faultString)
xmlrpcwritefault(faultCode, faultString)
str = xmlrpcwritefault(faultCode, faultString)


xmlrpcwritefault(fd,faultCode,faultString) writes to file descriptor fd a complete XML-RPC response fault, including the HTTP header. If fd is missing, the response is written to standard output (file descriptor 1); since the output contains carriage return characters, it may not be displayed correctly on all platforms. The faultCode argument is the numeric fault code, and the faultString is the fault message.

With an output argument, xmlrpcwritefault returns the response fault as a string, without any output.

See also

xmlrpcwriteresponse, xmlrpcreadresponse


Encode an XML-RPC call response.


xmlrpcwriteresponse(fd, value)
str = xmlrpcwriteresponse(value)


xmlrpcwriteresponse(fd,value) writes to file descriptor fd a complete XML-RPC response, including the HTTP header. If fd is missing, the response is written to standard output (file descriptor 1); since the output contains carriage return characters, it may not be displayed correctly on all platforms. The value argument is the result of the call.

With an output argument, xmlrpcwriteresponse returns the response as a string, without any output.


  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Connection: close
  Server: LME 4.5
  Content-Length: 123
  Content-Type: text/xml

  <?xml version="1.0"?>

See also

xmlrpcwritecall, xmlrpcreadresponse, xmlrpcreadcall