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LME Libraries Release Notes
LME 7.0
- new library probdist
Minor changes
- polynom: in polynom::roots, ratfun::isproper and ratfunzp constructor, leading zero polynomial coefficients ignored
Bug fixes
- polynom: in ratfunzp::char (and ratfunzp::disp which calls it), inf and nan caused an infinite loop; fixed
- lti: no more leading zero coefficients in transfer functions resulting from the conversion of pid objects with zero parameters
LME 6.0.1
Bug fixes
- lti: graphical functions have not accepted string style arguments since version 6.0; fixed
LME 6.0
- lti: zpk, pid, pidstd and frd classes
- lti_filter (new)
- polynom (aka classes): ratfunzp class for rational functions defined by zeros, poles and gain
Minor changes
- stdib: isprime, linspace, logspace, and median removed (built-in functions)
- date: support for second fractions in datestr
- classes.lml has been renamed polynom.lml, and a new classes.lml includes polynom.lml for backward compatibility
- sigenc.lml, filter.lml: unused arguments replaced with ~
Bug fixes
- lti: tf::mpower actually computed tf::power; fixed (both power and mpower are implemented)
- polynom: operations where the first argument was a polynom and the second one a ratfun failed; fixed thanks to superiorto
- tf::minreal introduces less roundoff errors, especially when transfer functions order cannot be reduced
LME 5.1
Minor changes
- stdib: factor removed (built-in function)
LME 5.0
- colormaps: color maps for colormap command
- polyhedra: regular polyhedra
- solids: simple solid shapes
LME 4.7
Minor changes
- classes: in char and disp, support for complex coefficients
- classes: all errors have error identifiers
- quaternion: not bundled anymore (replaced by native support of quaternions)
LME 4.6
New features
- stdlib: ndgrid
Minor changes
- stdlib: fft2, ifft2, std, and cross have been removed (they are native now)
- stat:
- moment, var, skewness, and kurtosis have been removed (they are native now)
- bench: uint8 benchmark requires less memory for setup (no effect on timings)
- bench: new results for Intel Macintosh and Atari ST
Bug fixes
- lti: zpk didn't pass correctly arguments to tf::tf; fixed
- stdlib: toeplitz with a single argument was broken; fixed
LME 4.5.2
Minor changes
- lti, quaternion, stdlib: prod(size(...)) replaced by numel(...)
Bug fixes
- lti: tf::horzcat and tf::vertcat didn't work correctly with models without any state; fixed
- lti: tf::connect was missing; fixed
LME 4.5.1
Minor changes
- stdlib: functions sec, csc, cot, asec, acsc, acot, sech, csch, coth, asech, acsch, acoth, and log2 have been removed; they're now native in LME
Bug fixes
- wav: glitch in the source code fixed
LME 4.5
New features
- bench: new
- date: new
- stdlib: blkdiag
- lti: ssdata, tfdata
- lti: lti::norm (H2 norm)
- lti: lti::isct, lti::isdt, lti::dcgain
- quaternion: support for matrices of quaternions; internal structure has changed, double gives now an m-by-n-by-4 array, arithmetic operators now work on quaternion matrices like on real or complex matrices, inv and matrix division operators work on matrices and not element-wise; new functions beginning, cos, ctranspose, cumprod, cumsum, det, diag, elnorm (which replaces norm), end, flipdim, fliplr, flipud, horzcat, imag, isempty, ldivide (which replaces mldivide), length, lu, prod, real, rdivide (which replaces mrdivide), repmat, rot90, sin, size, sqrt, subsasgn, subsref, sum, times (which replaces mtimes), transpose, tril, triu, vertcat
- stat: nancov, nancorrcoef
- filter: new
Minor changes
- lti: tf objects have a cell array of ratfun objects instead of a list and a separate field for the size
- lti: tf::feedback and tf::plus apply minreal to the result to remove superfluous states
- lti: ss::repmat
- lti: tags for all error messages
- lti: G*H and G+H, where G or H is 1-by-1
- lti: the sample time of lti objects representing static gains is ignored in expresions where they would cause the error "Sample time don't match"
- stdlib: logspace displays a warning when the upper bound gives infinity
Bug fixes
- stdlib: toeplitz(c,r) where length(r) was 1 gave c' instead of c; fixed
- lti: lti::disp doesn't display a superfluous blank line anymore
- lti: tf::feedback for SISO systems ignored the sign argument; fixed
- lti: lti::feedback couldn't mix state-space, transfer functions or numeric matrices; fixed
- lti: tf with a sample time had a default variable name of 's'; no it's 'z'
- lti: ss::minreal didn't always produce the correct result; fixed